Date Model Control unit address (e.g. 01) Diagnostic procedure
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test of cruise control
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Creation of readiness
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Bleeding of fuel system - variant 2
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test of cruise control CAYB
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test - filling pressure control valve (N75)
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Kick-down - adaptation
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Snížení Pressureu v railu
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test: detection of burning failure
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test: přestatusování vačkového hřídele - sací ventily
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test: lambda control
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test: aeration of fuel tank
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test: temperature sensor - ambient temperature (G17)
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test: adjusting camshaft valve 1 (N205)
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test: fuel pump - control unit (J538)
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Neutral gear sensor - adaptation
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Default throttle valve settings
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test of cruise control
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test of cruise control
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test of fuel temperature sensor (G81)
11.10.2022 Passat B7 (PQ46) 01 - Engine Test of intake air temperature sensor (G299)