Date Model Control unit address (e.g. 01) Diagnostic procedure
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Basic settings - Clutch engagement point
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Replacement of brake pads
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Trailer stabilization assistant - adaptation
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Test of functions - Emergency brake light
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Deactivation of the longitudinal acceleration sensor on the test bed
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Setting of braking pressure sensor (G201)
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Bleeding of the system
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Security access
14.8.2024 Q2 (GA) MQB (PQ37) 2017 -> 03 - Brake electronics Deactivation of the longitudinal acceleration sensor on the test bed
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning windscreen - settings
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning recirculation of air - settings
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning Compressor run-in (air condition compressor - replacement)
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning Air-conditioning - control unit - replacement
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning Storage of seat heating upon switching off the ignition - front passenger
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning Condition for disconnection of the compressor
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning Storage of seat heating upon switching off the ignition - driver
14.8.2024 Superb 3 (NP) (MLB/PQ48) 2015 -> 08 - Air-conditioning Basic settings - learned terminal buffers of the valves
14.8.2024 Leon (5F) MQB (PQ37) 2013 - 2020 01 - Engine Adaptation - pressure difference sensor - exhaust recirculation
14.8.2024 Leon (5F) MQB (PQ37) 2013 - 2020 01 - Engine Security access: blocking detection
14.8.2024 Leon (5F) MQB (PQ37) 2013 - 2020 01 - Engine DPF regeneration