Opšti uslovi i odredbe poslovanja

Ovi uslovi i odredbe regulišu odnose između firme prodavca i kupca.


AutoComSoft s.r.o.
Na Petřinách 313/88
Prague 6
162 00
ID No.: 27433633

Upisano u Komercijalni registar koji vodi Opštinski sud u Pragu, Deo C, Unos 11226

potrošač, kompanija, vladina vlast

Narudžbenica robe
Roba se može naručiti na sledeći način:

- usmeno (lično, telefonom)

- u pisanom obliku (faksom, poštom, e-mailom)
- u e-prodavnici

Elektronska narudžbenica mora da sadrži sve potrebne podatke:
Elektronska narudžbenica za kupovinu će biti važeća pod uslovom da se popune svi podaci i informacije koje obrazac zahteva.

Uslovi plaćanja
- plaćanje u gotovini u slučaju lične naplate robe
- avansno plaćanje bankovnom doznakom na osnovu fakture avansa
- gotovina po isporuci ako je dostavljena od strane prevoznika
- plaćanje karticom, u slučaju elektronske verzije. Ako se u slučaju isporuke poštom ili PPL-om odabere „besplatan prevoz“, naknada za transport će se automatski obračunati za gotovinu prilikom isporuke zajedno sa robom.

Cene su ugovorne

Pravo na povlačenje iz ugovora

U skladu sa Građanskim zakonikom, potrošač koji je kupio robu drugačije nego lično i roba je dostavljena od strane prevoznika, ima pravo da se povuče iz ugovora u roku od 14 dana od preuzimanja robe. Da se ​​povuče iz ugovora, povlačenje mora biti dostavljeno dobavljaču u pisanoj formi, a nakon toga kompletna roba mora biti vraćena dobavljaču u neoštećenom pakovanju, bez ikakvih znakova upotrebe ili najbolje ne raspakovanog.

Zaštita podataka

Prijavom ili obaveznim popunjavanjem narudžbenice u e-shopu Kupac daje prodavcu svoj pristanak sa svojim ličnim podacima i podacima o njegovoj / njenoj kupovini i čuvanju. Naša kompanija poštuje Zakon o zaštiti ličnih podataka i ne pruža nikakve informacije trećim licima i ne šaljemo marketinške informacije na vašu e-poštu osim ako ne aktivirate e-mail servis. Molimo pogledajte Zaštitu ličnih podataka.

Završne odredbe

Elektronskim nalogom za kupovinu, bez ikakvih rezervacija, Kupac prihvata sve odredbe Uslova poslovanja, u obliku koji važi na dan slanja naloga za kupovinu, kao i važeću cijenu naručene robe, uključujući i naknadu za transport. i pakovanje, osim ako je dokazano drugačije dogovoreno u predmetnom slučaju. Kupac će biti nepovratno vezan za kupljeni nalog.

U značenju Sec. 262 (1) Privrednog zakonika, Strane su se izričito složile da će, ukoliko nije drugačije određeno ovim Ugovorom, prava i obaveze Strana regulisani Privrednim zakonikom, odnosno njegovim odredbama iz Sek. 409 i dalje.


Opštim uslovima poslovanja AutoComSoft, s.r.o.

Opšti uslovi poslovanja AutoComSoft, s.r.o. menjaju se kako sledi:

Spoljašnje sudsko rešavanje sporova potrošača

Sec. 14 Zakona br. 634/1992 Coll. sa izmenama i dopunama

U slučaju neuspelog potraživanja proizvoda i usluga u privrednom subjektu, kupac (fizičko lice koje ne posluje) ima pravo da kontaktira subjekat spoljnog sudskog poravnanja potrošačkih sporova, koji je u ovom relevantnom slučaju Česka obchodni inspekce / Czech Uprava za trgovinsku inspekciju /, sa zahtevom za početak spora spora potrošača (ADR) van suda. Zahtev za početak postupka mora se podneti na obrascu koji je dostupan na vvv.coi.cz. Prijava mora biti potpisana, osim ako se obrazac ne pošalje putem polja sa podacima ili potpisan elektronskim potpisom. Zahtev za početak postupka može se poslati i na e-mail: adr@coi.cz ili poštom na adresu: Česka obchodni inspekce, rstredni inspektorat - oddeleni ADR, Štepanska 15, 120 00 Praha 2. U slučaju bilo kog zastupanje mora biti priloženo pismeno punomoćje.

Uz prijavu se moraju priložiti svi relevantni dokumenti, odnosno dokaz o neuspešnom pokušaju rešavanja zahteva kod poslovnog subjekta.

*Napomena: Prevod na srpski jezik možda ne odgovara 100% izvornom obliku ovih uslova koji su određeni i napisani na češkom jeziku. ako imate nedoumice u vezi toga, konsultujte službenog prevodioca i pravnog zastupnika (advokata).

Rules of Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

Pravila zaštite ličnih podataka (GDPR)




Osnovne odredbe


AutoComSoft s.r.o., ID No.: 27433633 with its registered office at Na Petřinách 313/88, Prague 6, 162 00, (hereinafter referred to the “Data Controller”) is the personal data controller under the Article 4 (7) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to the “GDPR”). Contact details of the Data Controller are: AutoComSoft s.r.o., U Kolejí 16/51,

info@pc-autodiagnostika.cz, 602111248


Personal Data mean any information about an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is a natural person, who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a certain identifier, such as name, identification number, location data, network identifier, or one or more specific features of physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person.


The Data Controller has not appointed any data protection officer.




Sources and Categories of Processed Personal Data


The Data Controller handles the personal data you have provided to it or the personal data obtained by the Data Controller based on your purchase order fulfillment.

The Data Controller processes your identification and contact details and data necessary for the performance of the contract.




Legal Reason and Purpose of the Personal Data Processing


The legal reason for the personal data processing is

performance of the contract between you and the Data Controller pursuant to Art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, The purpose of the personal data processing is

your purchase order processing and the performance of the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship between you and the Data Controller; when ordering, personal data necessary for successful execution of the purchase order (name and address, contact details) are required, the provision of personal data

is a necessary requirement for the conclusion and performance of the contract; without the personal data provision the contract cannot be concluded and the Data Processor cannot perform it,

The Data Carrier does not perform any automatic individual decision-making in the meaning of Art. 22 of the GDPR.




Data Storing Period


The Data Controller stores the personal data

for the period necessary to exercise the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationships between you and the Data Controller and the exercise of claims arising from these contractual relationships (for 15 years from the contractual relationship termination).

After the personal data storing period expiry, the Data Controller will delete the personal data.




Personal Data Recipients (Data Controller’s Subcontractors)


Personal data recipients are:

involved in the delivery of goods / services / payments under the contract,

securing e-shop services and other services related to the e-shop operation,

providing marketing services.

The Data Controller intends to transfer the personal data to a third country (outside the EU) or to an international organization. The Personal data recipients in third countries are providers of transport and payment services.




Your Rights


Under the terms and conditions specified in the GDPR you have the right to access your personal data under Article 15 of the GDPR, the right to correct the personal data under Article 16 of the GDPR, or to restrict the processing under Article 18 of the GDPR. the right to delete the personal data under Article 17 of the GDPR. the right to object to the processing under Article 21 of the GDPR and the right to data transferability under Article 20 of the GDPR. Furthermore, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Office if you believe that your rights in respect of your personal data protection have been violated.




Conditions Relating to your Personal Data Securing


The Data Controller declares that it has adopted all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the personal data security.

The Data Controller has adopted technical measures to secure data storages. The Data Controller declares that only persons personally authorized by the Data Controller have access to the personal data.




Final Provisions


By your purchase order submission through the online ordering system, you acknowledge that you have acquainted yourself with the personal data protection terms and conditions and that you fully accept them.

The Data Controller is authorized to amend these terms and conditions. The Data Controller shall publish a new wording of the personal data protection terms and conditions on its website and at the same time the Data Controller shall send their new wording to your e-mail address that you have provided to the Data Controller.


These terms and conditions become effective as of 25 May 2018.